kolmapäev, 30. oktoober 2013

The will to control, to reduce one's doubt and vulnerability, is an act of survival, not only physical but also socio-psychological terms - the survival of the subject in everyday struggles for identification of selfhood and respect

kolmapäev, 23. oktoober 2013

Don't Fuck with Bureaucracy

To remember this lovely on-going incident, what is a day-to-day business here in Vienna, also after 10 years time.
couterparts : Marianne Karu and Student Point Uni Wien

Marianne Karu schrieb am 09.10.2013:


 Since I did my BA studies in Estonia and took a studentloan also
 from estonian bank I need to confirm my further Master studies. I
 need a Studienbeschtätigung and Studienblatt in English.

 I would be thankful if you could send the dokuments to this e-mail.
 My Matrikel nr : 1147536.

 I also attached the copy of my ID-card.

 Yours Sincerely,
 Marianne Karu
 e-mail: marianne_karu@hotmail.com

Stundent Point schrieb am 9.10.2013:

Dear Madam,

 those documents are only available in German.
 If you need to have them in English, you need to translate them.

 Kind regards,

 Iga Ziarko
 Student Point

Marianne Karu schrieb am 09.10.2013:

Dear Student Point,

 It remains impossible to believe that Confirmation of Studies are
 provided only in German language. In University of Vienna studies almost
 100 000 students and certainly not only from German speaking countries.
 Maybe I have to bring to Your attention that Uni Wien Also has degree
 programs thought in English, therefore should also be some basic
 documents translated into English. For me personally, it is an extra
 cost of minimum 50 euros to translate the documents my own, which I am
 certainly not going to do. Because every year the study data expires and
 it needs to be renewed and translated again.
 Therefore I kindly ask You to pull some strings and find a solution to
 this almost embarrassing lack of attention.

 Waiting to Your response.

 Yours Sincerely,
 Marianne Karu

Stundent Point schrieb am 11.10.2013:

Dear Sir/Madam,

 I will forward your complaint to the head of the department.

 Kind regards
 Katharina Kerschhofer

Marianne Karu schrieb am 15.10.2013:

Dear Stundent Point,

 Since I haven't got any response regarding the Studienbestätigung in
 English from the Head of the Department, I would like to contact her/him
 personally. Could You please forward the e-mail address please.

 Yours Sincerely,
 Marianne Karu

Stundent Point schrieb am 17.10.2013:

Dear Sir/Madam,

 I forward your complaint again to the head of the department.

 Kind regards,
 Barbara Hamp

Marianne Karu schrieb am 22.10.2013:

Once Again I am forced to pick this topic up with You, Because there is STILL no solution to my problem, although I have waited already for weeks after you to just fulfill your working obligations.

I need a Studien Bestätigung in English by tomorrow.

Marianne Karu

Stundent Point schrieb am 23.10.2013:

Dear Madam,

1. University of Vienna does not have an "obligation" to provide documents in English language.

2. If you want to complain again:
andrea.henzl@univie.ac.at (head of "DLE Studien- und Lehrwesen")
guido.fitz@univie.ac.at (officer responsible for complaints)

Kind regards,

Klara Dangl


pühapäev, 20. oktoober 2013

Week End Got Lost in Translation

esmaspäev, 14. oktoober 2013


Working out, Window shopping, in die Kirche gehen und Pizza essen sind tatsächlich die einzigen Sachen, was man am Sonntag in Wien machen kann

reede, 11. oktoober 2013

To All Those Questions and Answers in our Heads

Christmas Present Suggestion

laupäev, 5. oktoober 2013

Der beste Tag für Vorlesung über Demokratie in Brasilien und Zusammenarbeit mit Europäische Union.
Der beste Tag für Training und Laufen (der vierte in dieser Woche). Ich fühle mich ziemlich gut :) Zurück auf der Strecke!

neljapäev, 3. oktoober 2013

Käisin täna Broadway Connectionsi Contemporary & Lyrical Jazzi tunnis ja tundsin end kui väike laps paljajalu päikselisel karjamaal. Andeid ei saa vist ja õnneks ära kaotada. Mõelda vaid, et eelmine tantsuprojekt oli täpselt ja tervelt aasta aega tagasi. Oh, Jesus Christ, kuidas ma seda tunnet igatsen. Soetasin endale 10 korra kaardi, see hoiab mind kord nädalas elus, lisaks jõusaali treeningule, kuni detsembrini. Siis avaneb võimalus aastavahetuseks end vähe enam lavalaudadele sokutada ;)

Erudeeritud maailma ülejääk. Kus ajanappus on ainsaks vitsaks ja ükskõiksus suurimaks relvaks end lahutada sarvepidi kokkujooksvast, mitte midagi mõistvast inimmassist. Frees to Free yourself. Teadlikkus on ju see, millest nad kõik koguaeg räägivad. Teadlikkus delfi top 10 pealkirjadest. Teadlikkus osturalli lõppkuupäevadest. Teadlikkus uutest notificationitest Facebookis. Teadlikult moodne. Ma käin ajaga kaasas oma suurimas ükskõiksuses. War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strenght.

teisipäev, 1. oktoober 2013

Film Diary

Ich habe ein Deal mit selbst gemacht. Um meine Deutschkenntnisse verbessern, schaue ich jeden Tag ein deutsch-sprachiger Film. Heute war es Schreckliche Mädchen. Ganz gut!

Packen unsere Koffern aus und gleichzeitig essen Dürum
-- mmm --