Lots of people like rainbows. Children make wishes on them, artists paint them, dreamers chase them, but the Aquarian is ahead of everybody. She lives on one. Aquarian is essentially a realist, even though her address is tomorrow, with a wild-blue-yonder zip code.
Aquarian is often misunderstood by mankind. That's because mankind hasn't yet caught up with the Aquarian Utopia. But just because others can't keep up with her is no reason in her opinion to go backwards. So she wanders among her lonely clouds, while we mere mortals wonder what she's doing way out there.
They are a curious mixture of cold, practicality and eccentric instability, and they seem to have an instinctive empathy with the mentally disturbed. It's a curious fact that almost any Aquarian can substantially reduce the anxiety of the insane simply by talking to them quietly. He has a marvelous knack for calming hysterical people and soothing frightened children.
The brotherhood instinct is so strong in her that when a rare Aquarian is guilty of being intolerant, she's not only unaware of it, but she hates the label.
Freedom-loving Aquarians can be acutely funny, perverse, original, conceited and independent, but they can also be diplomatic, gentle, sympathetic and timid. The Aquarian will almost desperately seek the security of crowds and saturate herself with friendship. Then hell fall into a gloomy, morose spell of loneliness, and want to be strictly left alone. When she wants to be alone, she wants to be alone, but she hasn't retired from the mainstream permanently, even if she does take a sudden Uranus notion to get an unlisted phone number.
Despite their fixation on friendship, Aquarians don't have many intimates. They seldom settle down to a steady relationship for more than a limited period. There's too much to discover around the next comer to remain tied to one or two friendships exclusively. It does little good to make an emotional appeal to such an impersonal nature, but if you touch the heart of an Aquarian (which is not the same thing as mere emotion), she'll usually get off her bicycle and come back to see what she might have missed.
She doesn't like to be pinned down to specific duties or obligations at specific times. She prefers a casual "111 see you around-maybe sometime Tuesday" to a definite hour for a meeting. (And he sometimes means the second Tuesday of next week.) However, I will say that once you've succeeded in nailing her and she gives you her word she'll meet you at a particular hour she will be there on the dot. You can count on it, even set your watch by her punctuality, and you'd better not be late yourself. She'll show up dependably, unless she's been kidnapped on the way (which, being an Aquarian, she could be. Anything can happen to these people at any time. I mean but anything).
You can expect her to give her opinion frankly, but she won't try to dictate how you should think or how you should live your life. Each person dances to his own fiddle music, and individuality should be respected.
Aquarius believes in violent change, but she leaves the violence to others. She's not a moral or a physical coward. She just isn't geared for battle. When a fight catches her unaware, she may strike out blindly in confusion, or she may simply agree, to end the argument. Her reaction is unpredictable, but one thing is certain. The next day her opinion will be as fixed as it was before. Anyone skilled in debate can usually get the best of her, since her attention can so easily wander to the abstract in a battle of wits. The Aquarian fights best with her hat. She puts it on and leaves. Her truth-respecting mind, however, won't budge an inch when she has a firm conviction, despite her distaste for unpleasant confrontations. All the shouting and emotional pressure in the world won't keep her from determinedly going her own way with her independent ideas, while the fireworks explode all around her. Two Aquarian Presidents, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt, demonstrate this principle perfectly. The concepts were equally original and strikingly unpopular in both cases. There was no aggressive insistence on personal theories, yet the sweeping reforms were made, regardless of lack of cooperation and bitter opposition.
It is comforting to know that once you're accepted by her, she will be loyal and her friendship will be unshaken by malicious gossip.
Aquarians need lots of fresh air, sleep and exercise.
Aquarians don't have the best memories in the world, but then they really don't need to memorize much, since they seem to pick up knowledge out of thin air, with some kind of invisible antennae. They're likely to come home from the store without the most important item on the grocery list, because they can't be bothered with remembering what is, to them, non-essential. The typical Aquarian is the embodiment of the legendary absent-minded professor.
Once she forms an opinon, it remains firmly fixed in her brain, and I do mean firmly. As strongly as she loves change in society and government, she won't change her own idea one iota for anybody. She's completely open-minded about world progress, but her mind clamps shut when it involves her personal behavior, which can be unexpectedly conservative. You can see that her liberalism has its boundaries.
Her mind and body must both be as free as the wind. To try to pin down the Aquarian is to try to stabilize the butterfly, to stuff a spring breeze into a closet or confine a winter gale in a bottle. It can't be done, and besides, who in the world would want to try? Though she's so far ahead of her time that you have trouble catching her viewpoint immediately, it's still worthwhile to make the attempt. You'll always come away a little wiser, if a little bewildered.