neljapäev, 21. august 2014

How You know you're from Estonia

  1. You always use of the word "normal" when something is well 
  2. You always take Kalev chocolate with you when visiting friends abroad
  3. You know that going to the sauna is 80% leisure and 20% washing 
  4. When you were small you thought that the Latvians have six toes
  5. You spit three times over your left shoulder so that everything would go well
  6. Words such as "veoauto", "täieõiguslik" or "jäääär" is easy to pronounce for you 
  7. You like brave speeches
  8. You say, "noh" (sounds like "no") and the word "oota" (which means wait), even when speaking in English that makes people very confused  
  9. Your best friend's girlfriend is your English teacher's daughter and they live next to your grandparents who were your colleagues mentors who are your friends ...
  10. You would think that less than 20% does not count as alcohol drink
  11. You always view thermometer before going out
  12. You are checking both sides of the road before crossing, even if it is one-way traffic
  13. You're smiling when people ask you about your ethnic food
  14. If anyone asks you, "Where is Estonia?" you'll quickly answer "In northern Europe, a little south from Finland" --> never heard about Eastern Europe! We are so different from Latvia and Lithuania.
  15. Your grandma's "handbag" is an old plastic bag that has been used several times
  16. You would think that sour cream goes with everything
  17. When some foreigner speaks Estonian with terrible mistakes you constantly tell him that he is still much better compared to most of the Estonian Russians
  18. You always ignore gendered words in other languages, he-she-it --> who cares? 
  19. Your think that running to a liqueur shop10 minutes before the closing time in Friday evening is a separate sport
  20. You would think that the blue-black-white combination is a cheerful  
  21. Everyone in your family has pictures of funerals
  22. You're so proud of Estonia that if a foreigner should say the Estonian population is 1 million, you quickly fix them by saying its actually 1.3 million  
  23. When someone says "ühesonaga" (that means shortly) then it is followed by a long explanation  
  24. It has been weeks since you last saw actual cash money because everything goes by card, or by mobile phone, or ID-card, or by internet banking
  25. You're assuming that the Internet is widely available in all the other countries
  26. When one day the summer actually arrives, you're probably working that day
  27. You know the names of all three black peoples living in Estonia
  28. You are not impressed of people who speak three different languages  
  29. Your biological clock can understand exactly when 15 minutes of parking in the Old Town is expired
  30. If going somewhere in a city takes more than 10 minutes, you're seriously upset that it is so far away  
  31. You know how to correctly pronounce "jüriööülestõus"  
  32. Your doctor will tell you to go to solarium because of too light skin
  33. Buildings that are higher than 20-storeys are sights for you and you also show these to your visitors
  34. There is an irresistible desire for men to drink beer and women to drink cider and eat barbeque on 23 June 
  35. You're proud that Ernst Hemingway wrote once that in every port in the world you can find at least one Estonian
  36. Ten months of the year it's too dark to stay up and two months is too white to go to sleep